A Sedipar Trilogy
My fictional trilogy was inspired by my hometown, a small farming community in Rapides Parish. The name of the fictional town of Sedipar was derived from reversing 'Rapides'!
Did you know?
Sedipar is simply 'Rapides' reversed!
The novel, A Forever Love, is the first novel in the Sedipar Trilogy. My inspiration for this trilogy stems from my love and appreciation for my hometown, LeCompte. Sedipar was derived from reversing our parish, Rapides!
Sedipar is the fictional town in my novel, however many of the iconic landmarks from my hometown, LeCompte, are referenced throughout the story.
The setting of the novel is the early 1990's which is a time period that is near and dear to me - and dates me! - as I began high school in 1993.
I wanted to bring the reader closer to the setting. Whether the reader is familiar with my hometown or not isn't relevant. My hope is that each reader draws a connection to their hometown when reading and smiles.
The iconic landmarks referenced throughout the story were important to me as they made the story appear real and it was easy for me to place each character in each moment.
A few of the landmarks are 'AEL's' which represents Lea's Lunchroom; 'The Dixie' which represents The Whipt Dip; 'Bayou Fueob' which represents Bayou Boeuf, and 'Lake Danik' which represents Indian Creek.
While the landmarks are real and historical landmarks from the town, the characters are 100% fictional.
So...don't fret all of my high school friends!
High school is a pinnacle moment of life. I remember the four years passing by so quickly amidst the chaos that consistently surrounded us. We laughed...we cried...we partied...and most of all we built friendships that to this day still exist.
My hope is that each reader finds something special in my novel they connect with that brings a moment back to life and a smile to their face. We all have a hometown...we all have special memories...and my hope is that my novel brings some of that back for my reader!
And a HUGE thanks to my wonderfully talented editor, Jennifer Jakes for helping me make this novel possible. I'm so very grateful to Jennifer for her guidance and patience. I'm excited to continue working with her on future novels!
And to Hallie Lee...an amazing published author...who took time from her busy schedule to answer my questions as I began my writing journey. Your kindness will never be forgotten!

Landmarks referenced in novel
The Dixie (The Whipt Dip)
Drive in style restaurant situated right on the corner of Hwy 71 and the main street that ran through LeCompte. It was most known for delicious burgers and soft serve vanilla cones. It is no longer open and a bank currently sits where the restaurant thrived. It was a local hangout for the town and provided delicious food!
AELs (Lea's Lunchroom)
Lea's Lunchroom first opened in LeCompte in 1951 and the business is still thriving today! Their delicious menu boasts nine different pies and are one of the main reasons travelers and locals frequent the restaurant. In fact, Lea's sold so many pies that in March 2001, the Louisiana Legislature proclaimed LeCompte the Pie Capitol of Louisiana! How neat! Check out their website at leaslunchroom.com!
Cross Bayou Regional Clinic
(Carlton & Luke Clinic)
The clinic is currently in operation today, however with a new business name. Most likely remember Dr. Carlton and Dr. Luke from childhood. It was great to have a wonderful clinic right at your fingertips. In the novel, Isabella is the attending doctor at the clinic.
Lake Danik (Indian Creek)
My inspriation for the Sedipar Trilogy is my hometown, LeCompte, located in Rapides Parish. Sedipar is a fictional town but was derived from simply reversing Rapides!
Bayou Fueob (Bayou Boeuf)
Bayou Boeuf is a waterway that flows through LeCompte and surrounding areas. The bayou provides irrigation to local farmers in addition to fishing opportunities.
Sedipar High School (Rapides High School)
Rapides High School is the public school in LeCompte. Many generations have graduated from this school and continue to support our local high school and share their mustang pride!
Sedipar (Rapides)
My inspriation for the Sedipar Trilogy is my hometown, LeCompte, located in Rapides Parish. Sedipar is a fictional town but was derived from simply reversing Rapides! LeCompte is primarily a farming community.